Privacy Statement
We respect your privacy and are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and use personal data through the Cubiio 2 application.
Collection and Use of Personal Data
Cubiio 2 應用程式保留與搜集使用者註冊過程中,創建及新增帳戶所提供的姓名與電子郵件地址。我們不會主動蒐集任何額外的個人資料,除非使用者明確提供。Cubiio僅使用蒐集的姓名與電子郵件來管理帳戶,包括使用者驗證、相關帳戶活動的通訊,以及應用程式功能和更新的通知。
The Cubiio 2 application retains and collects the names and email addresses provided by users during the registration process to create and add accounts. We do not collect any additional personal data unless explicitly provided by the user. Cubiio only uses the collected name and email addresses to manage accounts, including user authentication, communication regarding account-related activities, and notifications about application features and updates.
Third-Party Services
Cubiio 2 的應用程式可能使用第三方服務進行金流服務功能。請您注意,與本應用程式連結的其他網站,也可能蒐集您個人的資料,對於您主動提供其他網站的個人資料,將依相關法令及各該連結網站所揭露之隱私權保護政策蒐集、處理與利用,這些第三方服務可能擁有其自己的隱私政策和使用條款,不受我們隱私權聲明的管轄,本公司亦不負擔任何連帶責任。
The Cubiio 2 application may use third-party services for payment processing functionalities. Please note that other websites linked to this application may also collect your personal data. Any personal data voluntarily provided to other websites will be collected, processed, and utilized in accordance with relevant laws and the privacy policies disclosed by those linked websites. These third-party services may have their own privacy policies and terms of use, which are not governed by our privacy statement, and our company does not assume any joint liability.
Children's Privacy
根據您所居住的地點,當地法律可能會要求我們先取得家長或監護人的同意或權限,Cubiio 針對未成年或管轄地法律指定年齡的使用者,我們不會蓄意要求低於該年齡的孩童提供超過本產品所必需的資料。如果您是父母或監護人,認為您的孩子向我們提供了個人資訊並且不同意我們使用該資料,請立即與我們聯繫,我們將採取措施從我們的系統中刪除該資訊。
Depending on your place of residence, local laws may require us to obtain consent or permission from parents or guardians. Cubiio does not intentionally request children under the designated age specified by local laws to provide information beyond what is necessary for our product. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided personal information to us without your consent and you do not agree with our use of that information, please contact us immediately, and we will take steps to remove such information from our systems.
Privacy Statement and Updates
Cubiio 團隊保留隨時更新、修改或修訂本隱權聲明的權利,而無需事先通知使用者。任何更改將立即生效,並在我們的應用程式上發布更新的隱私權聲明,在更新聲明後繼續使用我們的應用程式即表示您接受此類更改。
Cubiio team reserves the right to update, modify, or revise this Privacy Statement at any time without prior notice to users. Any changes will take effect immediately and will be published in updated Privacy Statements on our application. Continued use of our application after the updated statement constitutes acceptance of such changes.
Contact Us
如果您對我們的隱私權聲明以及處理您的個人資訊有任何問題、擔憂,或是違反當地法律規定,請通知我們,我們一定會配合改善,請通過Cubiio@muherz.com與我們聯繫。 若您使用Cubiio 2 應用程式,即表示您同意本隱私權聲明中概述的條款。
If you have any questions, concerns, or if there are any violations of local laws regarding our Privacy Statement and the handling of your personal information, please notify us. We are committed to cooperating to make improvements. Please contact us at Cubiio@muherz.com. By using the Cubiio 2 application, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Statement.
  • Cubiio 2
  • Cubiio 2
  • privacy
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About us
13F-2, No. 99, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan
台灣 22175 新北市 汐止區
Customer service
E-mail: cubiio@muherz.com
© Copyright Muherz All Rights Reserved